Home & Community Care

The First Nations and Inuit Home and Community Care (FNIHCC) supports the delivery of basic home care services which are typically offered between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. These essential services include:

  • a structured client assessment process;
  • case management;
  • home care nursing services;
  • home support and personal care;
  • in-home respite care;
  • established linkages with other professional and social services;
  • access to specialized medical equipment, supplies and specialized pharmaceuticals;
  • a system of record keeping and data collection; and
  • program management and supervision.
Contact Us To Request Services

Core Staff:

Beverley Madill

Home & Community Care Coordinator

(902) 565-8435


(902) 564-2137

90 San’tele’sew Awti, Suite 201 Membertou, NS B1S 0A5

Additional Information:

The FNIHCC program is available to all First Nations and Inuit of any age with disabilities, chronic or acute illnesses, and the elderly who: